These thoughts in my head
which I continually dread,
Especially when alone in bed.
They can creep into my sleep
And all I can do is weep.
I feel ever so frail
When I'm trapped in this jail
Alone with no one to hale.
I'm told words wont hurt but they keep me alert.
They fly by like drones,
They may not be stones
But they hit deep into my bones.
They can feel heavy like bricks,
They may not be sticks
But they tease and play terrible tricks.
These thoughts can be mean
And sometimes obscene
Never a picturesque scene.
They have all the power, bully me and boss me
Fighting makes them the stronger
And devours my willpower.
Pushing them away only to rebound again
I'm caught in a battle fighting or fleeing
and yet they return to replay and repeat.
© ACCEPT Psychology
When we are hurting, overwhelmed or in pain
The emotion ever rising
The thoughts swirling in our brain
Our body prising away
Will it ever end or just continually ascend?
Is there some magic trick to help me defend
At these times we need something to gently bring us back
We are not under attack
These are our emotions taking over
We need to keep our feet on the floor. To help the emotion pass over.
Physically your feet may be on the ground
but inside it may feel like you are whirling around
At these times we need something to gently bring us back
We are not under attack
These are our emotions taking over
We need to grow roots like a tree (not literally).
To help the emotion pass over.
A tree without its roots will blow away.
A tree with great strong roots can battle many storms.
It may sway but will not stray
At these times we need something to gently bring us back
We are not under attack
These are our emotions taking over
We need to have an anchor ready. To help the emotion pass over
A boat when stopped at sea may drift continually.
It needs an anchor to keep it steady.
Will it ever end or just continually ascend?
Is there some magic trick to help me defend?
When we are hurting, overwhelmed or in pain
The emotion ever rising
The thoughts swirling in our brain
Our body prising us away
We can focus on the present and all five senses
Our touch, taste, sight, sound and smell
Helping us come back to the here and now again.
© ACCEPT Psychology
I must confess it can feel like a mess
Do I express or suppress?
Do I react or backtrack?
Do I listen to the urges of try to ward of any surges?
Do I stay in this state or try to motivate?
Do I wait or leave it up to fate?
What is the distress?
First describe, and then express
I feel sad and want to cry
Crying can be trying there is no denying
But denying can be supplying a never ending chain of lying
Which can be very unsatisfying
Instead seek a loved one out
And share what these feeling are all about.
What is the distress?
I feel anxious and want to flee
Fleeing can be freeing and needed for the time being
But sometimes facing fear may be chasing for its turn
Instead seek a loved one out
And share what these feelings are all about.
© ACCEPT Psychology