Therapy is a safe and neutral space to talk about your needs and struggles. It is a collaborative relationship where you provide details of how the difficulties started and we explore how or why these may be maintained. In therapy we may discuss both recent and historical information in order to ascertain any patterns or changes that may have contributed to any challenges. Therapy also provides you space to process difficulties in your life which may have previously been too painful to discuss. In addition, therapy can provide you with strategies or skills to improve your psychological wellbeing during therapy and following the completion of therapy.
Adults and adolescents can access therapy. Parental consent will be needed for young people under 18 years of age.
The first appointment is the assessment. It will be an opportunity for you to talk about your needs, difficulties and goals. The assessment phase may require one or two sessions. We will also ask you complete some forms and questionnaires.
We accept clients from a variety of medical insurance providers including AXA, BUPA, WPA, Aviva, and Vitality.
Please contact us if your medical insurance provider is not listed.
Each session is usually 50 mins. However, there may be some exceptions to this. The length of your session will be determined during your assessment appointments and will be monitored throughout therapy. We want to accomodate and be flexible whilst also providing you with a quality session.
This is difficult to answer until you have attended the initial assessment. The number of sessions required will vary dependent on your needs. If completing a period of CBT therapy this may be anywhere between 8 to 12 sessions whilst for EMDR therapy this may be anywhere between 6 to 12 sessions. However, everyone is different and you may require more or less than the standard.
Most therapy benefits from weekly appointment sessions. However, there may be circumstances where I can provide fortnightly appointments. The decision to provide weekly or fortnightly appointments will be agreed at the end of the assessment phase if you choose to go ahead with therapy.
If you are unable to attend an appointment please provide at least 24 hours notice. The frequency of sessions and regular attendance to appointments is better for your overall outcome.
Any appointments that you cancel or provide less than 24 hours notice are charged at the full cost of the session. Any appointments where you arrive late for an appointment are charged at the full cost of the session and it may not always be possible to extend the session due to existing commitments.
If there are extenuating circumstances alternative arrangement may be possible.
Payment of sessions are either self-funded or funded by a medical insurance provider. After each appointment an invoice will be sent directly to yourself or the named recipient allocated to pay on your behalf. If you have cover under a medical insurance provider, details of the provider along with your membership/policy number and authorisation/ claim code is required.
For self-funded clients, an invoice is created following each session, payment is requested within 14 days. Any late payments may result in interest being added. Failure to pay may result in delays in booking future appointments. We will send reminders before the due date.
For those covered under medical insurance providers, invoices will be sent directly to the provider. From time to time such payments may be delayed and we may ask you to contact the provider to let them know of the outstanding payments. We will send reminders before the due date.
The details provided during your assessment and therapy will remain confidential. This means information will not be shared with other agencies or services.
However, there are occasions where this does not apply. All health care professionals have a duty to disclose information to outside agencies or services when there are risk related issues:
As a registered professional we may consult with another psychological professionals for supervision. This is standard good practice where we may discuss details of a case to provide you with a better service. During supervision, anonymity is maintained.
In some cases we may use case examples, questionnaire data, evaluation and feedback data during training workshops, research or for academic journals. In such circumstances you would be required to provide consent for such material to be used.