ACCEPT Psychology

Acceptance, Change, Compassion and 
Empowerment for Positive Transformation


ACCEPT psychology aims to provide individuals with the skills and understanding they need to improve their emotional well being. 

Our philosophy is based on four concepts:

Life can be tough. We can be faced with unexpected difficulties which can seem nearly impossible to cope with. Acceptance that we may be struggling can be the first step towards making a change.  

The thought of sharing some of our vulnerabilities can seem daunting and it can be the most courageous step.  To help you feel more comfortable compassion is key. This includes a supportive, non-judgemental therapist to hear your story and a calm space to share. Through the process you may also pick up some self compassion skills. 

This recipe can deliver a sense of empowerment allowing you to move forward with a greater confidence and understanding.   All four ingredients work together to support positive transformation.  

Everyone's transformation will be different. It occurs throughout the process of therapy. The beauty is that even after formal therapy has ended you will have additional skills and knowledge to embrace life's challenges.  

Acceptance & Change

"It takes a huge amount of fortitude and motivation to accept what is - especially when you don't like it"
Jonn Kabat Zinn

"we cannot change anything until we accept it" Carl Jung

Compassion & Empowerment

"Compassion is not a virtue, it is a commitment. It is not something we have or don't have - it's something we choose to practice"
Brené Brown

"Growth occurs when individuals confront problems, struggle to master them and through that struggle develop new aspects of their skills, capacities, views about life"
Carl Rogers

Private Medical Insurance accepted:

AXA, BUPA, WPA, Aviva and VitalityHealth

Affiliation & Memberships

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